Update - Short progress update, very near full completion - February 25, 2020 Another short update, mainly because it has been two months since the last. What's been done in the last two months? Heist Mode is completed, the final balancing has been completed to a degree that all abilities have significance (a full week alone was dedicated to this final balancing, even with all of the re-balancing that has been taking place since the end of 2018; some characters got big changes) and one platform has been fully completed and tested at this point, with the other being half done its final testing. It is safe to say that The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt is more or less complete at this point, save some additional final testing/admin work/release prep. Why not wait and do the big dev blog update if The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt is practically finished at this point? The original plan was to just wait and make the next update the big final dev blog update with the release date, the trailer, the screenshots, the Heist Mode information, the Story Mode information, extra combat mechanics, the balance changes, first-time tips, character information and so forth, but a couple things have slowed progress down -- a number of testing areas that seemed small during planning for testing would frequently end up much larger or require more thorough inspection than initially thought (as in hours becoming days for some testing tasks), and a number of non-testing/non-Demon Rush specific things requiring more immediate priority also popped up very frequently over the last two months, unfortunately. Due to how long things have been delayed by these two sets of issues, a progress update was in order. There have not been any massive problems in development, and even more complicated aspects of Demon Rush's development have gone very smoothly, in both implementation and testing (testing as far as it working as it should, not so much the extended time to cover more areas). This might sound like a broken record, but that massive dev blog update and release information should hopefully be soon, as there is not much left to go in terms of final work. Now, it's time to go back to work and get these final tasks done. Hopefully that big dev blog update will come soon. |