RopeRange - June 14, 2024

RopeRange is an Action Mode where the player must destroy as many targets as they can while using ropes to swing around an arena that takes place entirely in the air.

The player has a gun, which they can use to shoot targets for 10 points. There are also sawblades that will not hurt the player but will cut their rope, forcing the player to find another steel ball to attach a new rope to. These sawblades can be shot at and deflected by the player for 20 points, and a sawblade destroying a target is worth 100 points.

If the player falls too far down, they will fall to their doom and the player will get a Game Over.

Each character brings a unique ability to RopeRange. Some abilities need to be activated and have a cooldown, while others are passives that are always active.

Cherry - Updraft

On activation with no rope active, gain a burst of massive velocity upwards. Has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Knight - Frozen Sky

Adds a frozen area to the center of the arena for 3 seconds. Sawblades within the frozen area are halted until the frozen area subsides. Has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Alberto - Electrify

For 3 seconds, any targets that touch a metal ball will be destroyed (10 points when destroyed). Has a 15 second cooldown.

Tara - Straight to the Point

Gain 5 more points whenever a target is destroyed.

Pound - Winging It

On activation with no rope active, Pound can fly for 3 seconds. Has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Cook - Affinity of Steel

Deflected sawblades are under player ownership for 1 second longer.

Claire - Natural Acrobat

Move 50% faster for rope swinging and flying through the air.

Jimmy - Wall Jump

On activation with no rope active and touching the arena walls, the player will immediately kick off away from the wall at a high velocity. Has a 1 second cooldown.

Brooks - Gunner's Boon

For 2 seconds, the gun can be fired from holding the button down rather than pressing for each individual shot and there is shorter delay between shots. Has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Caesara - Blood Rage

When the player's rope is cut by a sawblade, that sawblade is placed under player control for a half second.


RopeRange in Legends Corrupt is based off of the RopeRange minigame from the original 2008 The Demon Rush, though it was hugely different in execution -- rather than containing acrobatic movement and a unique ability per character as Legends Corrupt has, the player had more limited movement and there were no abilities in the 2008 version. It still focused on shooting targets and sawblades, though.

The Game Over segment for RopeRange contains the character Barju, who was in the 2008 version of The Demon Rush. He was not present in The Demon Rush: Legends Corrupt originally due to aiming to keep Story Mode focused on story and combat (as opposed to minigames in Story Mode) and the purpose of RopeRange in the 2008 version (one person enters a high-risk arena at the risk of death, solely for entertainment of the masses) not matching Thormia's approach to ruling in Legends Corrupt. Since RopeRange is now separate from Legends Corrupt's story, Barju was added back in.

The unnamed NPC doing the cleanup on Game Over in Legends Corrupt's RopeRange was also in the 2008 version of The Demon Rush -- he fell to his doom in a bloody fashion when the party first met Barju and saw RopeRange, where Barju asked shortly after if the player party was looking for work as the cleanup crew for all of the messy deaths from RopeRange. Ironically, this NPC is now part of Barju's cleanup crew for the player's messy death on Game Over in Legends Corrupt.
