Character Guides - Cook - Abilities, Siphon - May 30, 2020 Viper Beam Pros Cook starts with Viper Beam by default in Story Mode and Endless Dungeon. Viper Beam is a beam that deals up to Attack x 0.3 damage every 1/10 of a second for 4 seconds, and if the Fire Field Effect is active, Cook adds 10 of his own fires in the path of his beam with his Dragon's Breath passive, making Viper Beam invaluable for Fire builds. Cons Its 30 second cooldown makes it less useful as a general damage tool, and since Cook is a tank (and likely will not have someone else to do so for him), there is a good chance nobody will protect him from status ailments while he uses his beam. Cook's beam does not have the power or duration of Alberto or Pound's, but its main purpose is to add multiple fires to a large area of the battlefield, making it useful primarily only for Fire builds. Viper Blast Pros Cook starts with Viper Blast by default in Story Mode and Endless Dungeon. It is a projectile that deals up to Attack x 10 damage, followed by an explosion that deals up to Attack x 6 damage to an area -- values that can be doubled with Cook's Burnarang weapon. It also adds 6 flames at the projectile's explosion if the Fire Field effect is active, making it very useful for Fire builds. Cons Viper Blast has a massive 30 second cooldown -- a common enough trend seen in Cook's abilities. Though Viper Blast is a much more powerful damage tool than Viper Beam, it also adds less fires and to a tighter area. King's Rays Pros King's Rays, when maxed out, places a beam from above that inflicts Knockdown to all enemies it hits (as long as those enemies are not blocking, dodging or otherwise invincible). In stark contrast to Cook's other abilities, King's Rays can hit a very low cooldown of 10 seconds. This not only lets Cook do a bit of Fire Field Effect maintaining, but if he has spread enough fire for his Fire Field Effect build, enemies may be held in place and suffer extra damage due to the Knockdown. Cons King's Rays has little negatives to it, as it is a low cooldown all-range Knockdown ability, but it does need at least one enemy to be hit by the overhead beam, or else it will not trigger otherwise. Life Shield Pros Life Shield is a straightforward ability maxed out -- Defense + 30% for 8 seconds and 40 HP healed, for as low as 10 seconds cooldown (which is super speedy compared to many of Cook's abilities). Cons Life Shield has little negatives to it, but like most of Cook's buffs, its cooldown does not start until the effect wears off. Field Flame Pros Field Flame places a persistent battlefield fire that, when maxed, lasts for 5 seconds that deals 5 damage every 1/5 of a second (10 damage with Burnarang). This damage is rather small, but with the Fire Field Effect and the To Cinders passive, EVERY flame owned by Cook (and not by a enemy or the Fire Field Effect) deals an additional 5 damage PER flame, regardless of ownership (10 damage per flame with Burnarang), making every flame a very powerful damage-over-time object. Cook can also learn the Conflagration passive to spread fire around, boosting the area and damage of his flames further. Field Flame itself has only a 10 second cooldown and also heavily influences the Fire Field Effect with each calling, making it so that Cook can contribute to his own Fire Field Effect maintainance/influence. Cons The Fire Field Effect is a hard requirement here. On its own, even with all passives, a single Field Flame will deal about the same as a block-and-counter basic attack from Cook (and this is assuming the enemy is in the flame for all 5 seconds). No Fire Field Effect, no big damage. |