THE DEMON RUSH The Demon Rush is an independent two-dimensional fictional story-driven RPG created by Dragoon Entertainment in 2008. The Demon Rush contains material unsuitable for younger audiences and includes very strong language, violence and pixelated blood and gore. 2. Story 3. Gameplay The minimum requirements for The Demon Rush are as follows:
The story revolves around a war between humans and demons, called the Demon Rush, that has spanned three years up to the present time. The city of Tiriad on Earth may have a breakthrough that can lead to the end of the war: the first spacecraft created in the Mittu system, the S. S. Pursuit. With this spacecraft, a new power may be found in Mittu that can lead to the end of the Demon Rush. However, the mission goes awry, and two Tiriadian soldiers are stranded on a distant planet... The gameplay features:
The Demon Rush's terms and conditions can be found here. The Demon Rush is currently unavailable. |